It's been a while huh? I just went through the worst couple of years of my life. Gosh, I really think I could write a novel but that's not really my thing. Haven't even done a great job of keeping up on this blog. So I'm not going to make some promise that I'll be posting more but what I can promise is that when inspiration sparks me I'll be here to let you all know. I can also say I finally officially bought my own domains so if you ever want to get right back to this blog just type in or . I actually found out the hard way Facebook doesn't allow for .xyz domains which is just silly but that's a rant for another day. So first let me tell you where you can find me at: Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube - I don't use this one as often. I haven't really gotten much into video blogs but who knows maybe? I guess stay tuned. Okay, now that we've got that out of the way. If I had to guess why you've clicked on t