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In case you want to know

Tonight I woke up from a bad dream, and as I sat here thinking about it and what it means to me. I realize just how amazing my career has been. I started working when I was just 14 years old at the Airport Steakhouse. I was there for about 7-8 years, and I did anything from cashiering, bussing, and waitressing. After I graduated high school, it wasn't uncommon for me to work 2-3 part-time jobs at once. I've also worked at Kansas Splashdown, Applebees, Lone Star, JcPennys, newspaper carrier, Tupperware Consultant, and Go Calendars. I'm hard working and extremely dedicated in all endeavors. So much so that my newspaper carrier job opened the doors to one of my most influential career opportunities.

I ended up giving up my paper route because my car broke down. A few months later, I was called and offered a job as Assistant District Manager. I would later go on to be part-time Subscriber Service Rep(SSR) to full-time and eventually Lead SSR. When management changes happened, I got offered the SSR Manager position and stayed with that for over a year. After that, I jumped over to advertising to be in digital sales for more income and a chance to try something new. I quickly realized sales weren't my passion and learned my biggest life lesson that money isn't everything. I knew it was time to start looking for my next big move.

Luckily, around the same time, Logicmaze(LM) had the Project Manager position open up that I was able to move into. LM was losing two employees, and I was tasked with soaking up as much knowledge as possible. I learned about websites, DNS, email management, and everything in between. I even picked up some light coding, but I won't claim to be an expert. I had so many projects and websites I had the pleasure of working on.

Eventually, LM was moved under the supervision of the IT Director. When the news was bought by corporate, I slowly moved more and more under IT, all while maintaining the LM websites. Through my 11 years at the news, I got to work under so many amazing people and be mentored by the best of the best. I'll never forget the time I spent there and the doors it opened for me. I won't get into the whole reason why I took the voluntary layoff package, but the biggest reason was I needed to focus on my health. I'm no longer prediabetic, so I achieved my goal, right?

I've also had the opportunity to go through Leadership Reno County. I spent 3 years on the Advisory Council for YP of Reno County, and I'm currently serving on the board of Reno County Drug-Free Alliance. I went to college and took classes in business, finance, and entrepreneurship. I  have first-hand experience in management, project management, marketing, websites, and IT.

A little over a year ago, I picked up some part-time contract work that continues to grow. I take care of the kids, cook, clean, and manage our finances. Sometimes I wonder if I'm experienced enough to pull it all off.  Then I think about everything above and realize I can. This isn't just some whim I woke up and decided to do. I've been preparing for this my whole life. I'm super excited to see where this path leads me. I'm prepared to learn, grow, and push myself to be better than I was yesterday!


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